Where to Get Your First 44 Backlinks
,You have just set up your new website and you want the world to hear what you have to say. The problem is, with all of the conflicting advice about link building you don’t know where to start. Not to worry though, today we are going to show you exactly where to get started with your link building.
Where to Get Your First 44 Backlinks
1. Join the Chamber of Commerce – Your local chamber should have a member directory and most of the time, the links are do-follow. The Chamber is usually a trusted site with authority so this link is a good place to start.
2. Join the BBB – New websites are usually low on trust and authority. A link from the BBB is a powerhouse when it comes to trust and the authority of the site is not bad either. If you qualify, sign up and join the BBB.
3. Sponsorship Links – In almost every industry there are events that offer sponsorship opportunities. If you are going to sponsor one of them, might as well get a link while you are at it. Colleges and non-profit organizations have powerful websites so look for sponsor opportunities with them. If there is a niche-specific event you can sponsor, that would also be very helpful.
4. Write a Press Release – The days of writing a 400-word press release and uploading it to free PR distribution sites for SEO are over. Instead, make a list of your local newspapers. If you are not skilled at pitching a press release, look for a smaller news publication in your area owned by a bigger company. This can get you a do-follow link from another trusted site. Even if it is no-followed you are still getting exposure for your new website. Just be sure to use your URL or brand name as the anchor text to avoid the wrath of Google.
5. Make a List of Your Suppliers – Most businesses buy materials, services or products from other companies. Make a list of the people who you are doing business with and then give them a call or email and ask if you could get a mention on their site. Many of them will have a list of resources or a blog. If neither of those is an option, write a testimonial and ask them to link back to you when sharing it on their site.
6. Set Up Social Media Profiles – Taking a few minutes to set up social accounts will give you some link diversity and can serve as a source of referral traffic too. At a minimum, I recommend setting up accounts on:
- Google +
7. Set Up Accounts on Bookmarking Sites – Again, the point is not to get a thousand low-grade bookmarks. Instead, set up an account on sites like:
- StumpleUpon
- ScoopIt
- Delicious
8. Local Directories – Do you have a storefront location? Take advantage of the numerous local listing sites available to add more diversity to your link profile. Here are some local citation sites you should set up a listing with:
- White Pages
- Manta
- Local.com
- Merchant Circle
- Citysearch
- MapQuest
- Superpages
- Topix
- Yelp
- Foursquare
- Bing
- ChamberofCommerce.com
- Yellow Pages
- DexKnows
9. Got a Blog? Share It! – If you have a blog there are several blog directories you can submit your site to. As with the other links mentioned, quality should be the top priority. Here are a few good sites to get you started:
- Alltop
- Bloggapedia
- OnTopList
- Technorati
- Blogorama
10. Web 2.0 Blogs – These blogs are nothing new, but the way they should be set up and managed has changed. In order for this to work well, you need to create blogs that actually have value to them. In doing so, you will acquire links to the blogs themselves and have a nice source for relevant and contextual links to your primary website. Some of the best platforms for this include:
- Tumblr
- WordPress
- Blogger
- Blog.com
11. Video Submission Sites – If you have a video or the ability to make one, you should set up an account on YouTube, which is a great traffic source and another place to pick up a link (no-follow) to your website. The added bonus with YT videos is that they can also rank in Google search results, sending even more traffic your way.
12. Set Up a SlideShare Account – If you do any types of presentations for your business, you can share them on SlideShare to attract addition views and a link too. When adding content you should strive to make it useful and informative. This will promote sharing and lead to additional views. Why not get referral traffic and a link from something you had just lying around anyway?
13. Publish Blog Posts on LinkedIn
14. Directory Submissions – Easy win! While directories are not powerhouse links, you can still gain some value by submitting to the right directories. Here are a few directories mentioned by Brian Dean as helpful:
- Directory World
- R-TT Directory
- So Much
- AllTheWebsites.org
There you have it, 44 links that don’t suck. When you launch your new site or are looking for a plan to get your link building underway, refer to this list!
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